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The Final Three Strategic Considerations for Machine Builders


When machine builders consider an IoT Industrial Automation Platform, the decision transcends technical capabilities and delves into the broader spectrum of business models, reliability, and future-proofing. These attributes are integral, ensuring the chosen platform is not only technically proficient but also strategically aligned with long-term business objectives and industry standards.

Business Model

The business model of an IoT platform is a critical facet that encompasses more than just the initial pricing. It includes the entire cost structure, accounting for potential future expenses such as updates, maintenance, and additional services. A transparent pricing model is crucial, allowing machine builders to accurately plan their finances and secure a favorable return on investment. However, the model must also consider the efficiency and availability of support. In environments where time is of the essence, robust support ensures issues are addressed promptly, minimizing downtime and its associated costs.

Moreover, the business model should align with the company's operational goals and market strategy, whether the focus is on rapid scaling, new market penetration, or operational efficiency enhancement. The platform should offer the necessary flexibility and scalability to meet these objectives, supporting the machine builder's journey from initial deployment to market expansion.


Reliability in industrial settings is non-negotiable. Downtime can lead to significant financial losses, making the reliability of an IoT platform, often reflected in its uptime, a paramount concern. Understanding the measures in place to prevent and swiftly rectify downtimes is crucial. This includes proactive maintenance, real-time monitoring, and quick response systems that enhance the platform's reliability and uptime. Implementing redundancy and failover mechanisms ensures continuous operation, with other components ready to take over without affecting overall performance. Evaluating the platform's reliability through real-world case studies, customer testimonials, and industry benchmarks provides insights into its performance and potential under similar conditions.


Future-proofing is about anticipating and adapting to technological advancements and market changes. It involves ensuring the platform is built on modern architectures that can adapt to evolving trends and standards. A platform that is future-proof remains at the forefront of technological evolution, adapting to new technologies and market changes. This means it should be compatible with emerging standards, protocols, and devices and offer updates that incorporate the latest advancements. Future-proofing also involves preparing for long-term success, choosing a platform that can scale and evolve with the business.


In conclusion, evaluating an IoT Industrial Automation Platform requires a comprehensive approach that goes beyond technical specifications to consider the business model, reliability, and future-proofing. These factors collectively determine the platform's long-term viability and alignment with operational success. By selecting a platform that excels in these areas, machine builders ensure a robust, efficient, and adaptable solution that supports their strategic goals and adapts to future challenges and opportunities. As the industry evolves, a platform that grows and adapts with the business is not just beneficial; it's essential for sustained success.

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